HIPAA と AWS - アマゾン ウェブ サービスでのヘルスケア | アマゾン ウェブ サービス(AWS 日本語)
2015年7月29日に、HIPAA on AWSホワイトペーパーが更新された。
Updated HIPAA Whitepaper Now Available - AWS Security Blog
今までHIPAA対応サービスは EC2, S3, Glacier, Redshiftだったのが、RDS(MySQL, Oracle)、DynamoDB, EMRに対応したこと。
KMSで PHI(Personal Health Information)の暗号化する方法がホワイトペーパーに記載されていること。
Using AWS KMS for Encryption of PHI
Master keys in AWS KMS can be used to encrypt/decrypt data encryption keys used to encrypt PHI in customer applications or in AWS services that are integrated with AWS KMS. AWS KMS can be used in conjunction with a HIPAA account, but PHI may only be processed, stored, or transmitted in HIPAA-eligible services. KMS does not need to be a HIPAA-eligible service so long as it is used to generate and manage keys for applications running in other HIPAA-eligible services. For example, an application processing PHI in Amazon EC2 could use the GenerateDataKey API call to generate data encryption keys for encrypting and decrypting PHI in the application. The data encryption keys would be protected by customer master keys stored in AWS KMS, creating a highly auditable key hierarchy as API calls to AWS KMS are logged in AWS CloudTrail.